jasons fine fifty pt. 5
the top 10 is somewhat personal buisness, but like all things i'll wear it on my sleeve. there's something defining about ones favorite songs. a lot of the songs posted this week are simply great songs and you've heard as much from more than A4D. then there's the top ten, which are my top songs because the lyrics meant something to me this year and that's why they were the songs that were on repeat in my car, on my stereo, and on my laptop. it was a year where i saw another girl make promises that she couldn't keep, a year where i saw the last person i loved have the family that was once alluded to for my own life and it was a year i mostly spent alone with just my cat while thinking too much about about nearing thirty and wondering if my best chances at life are behind me. basically the things they make pop songs for. these were just the best ones at making sense of it. some are surprisingly fun and some are meloncholic and all are worth a listen.
10) "Various Stages" - Great Lake Swimmers i have seen you in the eyes of a hundred thousand other stranger faces. i have seen you in unlikely, unfamilar places. i have seen you be wreckless in matters of love
9) "Karen" - the National karen, put me in a chair, fuck me and make me a drink. i've lost direction, and i'm past my peak
8)"the Matter of Our Discussion" - Boom Bip w/ Nina Nastasia i don't believe in the power of love
7) "I'm Glad I Hitched My Apple Wagon to Your Star" - Boy Least Likely To the little things that used to make us happy made us sad
6) "Since You Been Gone vs Hard to Find (AAS)" - Kelly Clarkson and all you'd ever hear me say is how i pictured me with you
5) "Reunion" - Stars all i want is one more chance to show you you were right for me
4) "Sad Eyes" - Josh Rouse you're watching all the speeding cars moving like you wish you could
3) "the Engine Driver" - the Decemberists i'm a writer, writer of fictions. i am the heart that you call home and i've written pages upon pages trying to rid you from my bones
2) "X" - Unbunny i wish i was different. i wish i was good. but no one can save me and no one should. afraid of decision, afraid of love, afraid of the future...all of the above
1) "Sleep All Summer" - Crooked Fingers cold waves kill cool lovers. strange ways we used each other. why won't you fall back in love with me?
ok, i'm getting the decemberists record this weekend.
that's the spirit
the National...oh man are they good. before i moved back to denver Josh and I went to see the Pernice Brothers (the show that is their live album!) and the National opened and were awesome. i'm glad my brother kept following up on them so i didn't miss this album. i also wrestled with including "baby we'll be fine" or "mr. november" on the list.
I saw them at a KEXP in studio in February. They were really nice and just getting used to the possibility of having to give up their day jobs. I'm looking forward to seeing them at the PLUG Awards next February.
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