Monday, January 09, 2006

tie back your hair

Sackville was a montreal-based band that formed in the mid-nineties (in an attempt to harnest their fanship of the sounds of Giant Sand according the band) and who showed up on the Constellation label for their final release when contributors to that label such as Do Make Say Think, Fly Pan Am and Godspeed You! Black Emperor were making waves in the indie scene. while they had the deceivingly familiar, plaintive sound, creatively bending rootsy genres like many american bands, they subsited in the background of that brief northern invasion. the few reviewers that did pick up their albums would often paint them as one of many Palace-sounding bands. nonetheless, their albums These Last Songs and the Principles of Science are the releases from that "constellation period" i find myself returning to more often years later and with last years revitalization of the montreal scene, i thought i appropriate to bring them out of the vaults. they do have an urban-country sound that at times could best be compared to another canadian band, Royal City...but with more violin than banjo. all told the band released three albums and a split with the Handsome Family. curiously enough, a visit to the bands website alludes to an album recorded some five years ago that to this day has not been released.

Sackville "Tie Back Your Hair"


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