Wednesday, April 12, 2006

5 Random Notes

1. Has anyone seen the Jaguar commercial with the Spoon song? Do you think the band got new luxury sports cars for their efforts?

2. Most people growing up want to be fireman or president. I wanted to be Indiana Jones until I wanted to be Greg Dulli. Aquarium Drunkard has some info on the new Twilight Singers album due this May.

3. Kevin broke up the Neko Case NPR concert into single serving sizes. I saw the 1st night of the tour in NYC. Neko reveled the crowd at the show with the story of a proposed side project with Kelly Hogan- "Merkin Donuts" which consists of Neko and Kelly dressed in harlequin body suits and capes. Playing bass and flute. Oh, and with Jon Rauhouse sitting on a mushroom drinking cough syrup. I wish I could paint a picture of this. Actually, if you submit your artistic renderings of that scene to me, I'll send free CDs to the one I like the most.

4. The blogger baseball league is progressing well. That is to say I'm in 2nd and Jay is in 8th. Predictibly our friends at The Baseball Card Blog are in 1st. Muzzle of Bees, powered by A-Rod, is in a respectible 3rd. You'll find the aformentioned proprieter of So Much Silence in 7th, the result of putting his faith in the Cubs pitching tandem of Prior and Wood as well as investing a pick in Roger Clemens who just might retire any day. Also of note, twmsiy* is in 5th.

5. Our friend Mocean Worker is busy working on his new album when not being dragged to court. Go make nice with him and maybe he'll forget that I keep dragging him out to whack parties.


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Eric said...

Seriously how do you guys have time for fantasy baseball? Geez...

And Prior and Wood will not win 15 games between the two of them this year.

At 11:42 PM, Blogger josh Mueller said...

I think they have 16-17 wins between them. I don't actually have the time. But it's something to pass the time during lunchtime- there's not much to do outside the location of my new workplace (unless you cont jogging in the Lincoln Tunnel).


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