Tuesday, April 18, 2006

ill affliction

so a thing about mix cds and compiling this website...all too often i'll find something while making a mix, but then i'll want to use it for the website. then i undoubtably can't use it for the mix because they will have already heard it as a result and it seems less personal. such is the case with today's entry, as i was making someone a mix and i broke out Kelly Slusher's first release, an ep on Red Square Records, entitled the Lonely Leave, which was released some five years ago. i actually discovered her music via A Boy Named Thor, who she has collaborated with. the music is fragile and melancholic pop, filled with lovelorn sentiments that should instantly appeal to fans of bands like the Softies, the Cannanes and Rocketship (yet someone else she has collaborated with). there is a full length out there, released on Elefant (one of the finest overseas indiepop labels based in madrid). now you can all use the song on your mix cds and make a special someone swoon. you can also download a few more mp3s off her website and listen to a few others on her myspace page. while she hasn't released anything in some time, it looks like it may have something to do with alot of moving, after having relocated to brooklyn from philly and before that nocal. she is playing at Cakeshop in brooklyn on April 25 with Rose Melberg.

Kelly Slusher "Ill Affliction"


At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Kelly! Thank you for posting!


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