"Don't pretend I could hold on forever"

I'm cheating, but being honest to "the best of 2007" with this one. It was released in late 2006 and to date still has no domestic release. I was able to finally get my hands on the album a few months after listening to the following single about this time last year. There is no other album I listened to more this past year. Every song on their self-titled debut is perfect in its own way. While "Release Me From My Love" tugged on those heartstrings first, there's the "you don't fall in love, you've got to throw yourself in" chorus of "Birds Are Singing" and the sublime "Parasite" featuring fellow Swedes Marit Bergman and Frida Hyvönen collectively accounting for some of the best pop music I've heard in forever. Best jumping off point I can offer you is Echo & the Bunnymen meet the Flaming Lips and I know that's a tall order, but I feel alright making it. I'm humbled by the music and still absolutely befuddled that this just didn't launch into some unfathomable stratosphere of the next big Swedish band that was a must-listen.
Consequences - download "Release Me From My Love"
visit the band
buy the album
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