Track 7: "When We Swam" by Thao with the Get Down Stay Down
A good album about bad relationships. That is the best way to sum up Know Better Learn Faster. I'm left wondering if it's strange that I find Thao Nguyen singing about failed relationships so seductive. It's the way she can hang on a syllable and make you want to dance even when the topic is sad sex. The songs as a whole capture an accurate portrayal of love lost as she pleads with the lover to stay one moment and needs them to go the next. It is one of the most familiar, but interesting observations within the "moving on" process and shows what a keen eye as a songwriter that Thao has on the human experience.

7.) "When We Swam" by Thao with the Get Down Stay Down
Everyone obsessively latched themselves to "Bag of Hammers" off the previous album and "When We Swam" seems to be fan favorite here despite the official single being the title track (featuring Andrew Bird). It's the "bring your hips to me cooing no doubt.
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